I ran across this issue today and it's definitely one of those things that I, and maybe others, will run into again.
As of Laravel 5.5, there is a middleware in the HTTP stack called TrustProxies.php that allows you to set a list of trusted proxies. The magic of this is that the framework will automagically map the allowed proxies in your list (can either be an array or a string set on the property) to the X-Forwarded-
header in the request. Pretty neat stuff!
One thing I just ran into is the app I am currently working on uses the Laravel URL Generator to build a signed url for users registered by an admin to be able to create a password to sign in. I ran into an issue where every attempt at opening the signed url resulted in Laravel throwing a 403. I wasn't totally sure why until I realized the request was being made through Ngrok and because the url isn't something Laravel expects, the framework returns a 403.
The way around this is to use the TrustProxies class and set the protected $proxies = '';
so that way as you are testing your signed routes with Ngrok, the framework will not 403 and let you continue on with your work.
A heads up though! The value, or better spoken as the Death Star value, will let anything get attached to the
header. So while it is great for testing, make sure you disable it before pushing your code to a staging or prod environment.